Cheryl Gush has extensive corporate experience leading and coaching high-performing salespeople and more than 10 years of experience coaching and mentoring through
Auckland University Women's Mentoring program
Harbour Association mentoring Program
Wahine Connect (Health Industry mentoring)
Cheryl has extensive postgraduate learning with a MBA and Masters in Advanced leadership practice, is a ICF certified transformational coach, and is a member of IoD. She has a Post Graduate Certificate in Business research methods, and is currently working on research to answer the question "Can empathy in leaders be developed through portrait painting?"
Curious to know a little more?
If you would like to know more about this research, or, explore how art might inform you own leadership reflections, Cheryl would love to hear from you.
If you are interested in knowing and understanding yourself in a new way you are in the right place.

Cheryl Gush
Coach, mentor, artist and educator

"We are entering a time when the primary leadership challenges will not be technical, but transformational. It is a time when leaders will fail, not because of a lack of strategy or resources, but from a failure of imagination"
Michael Jones Musician, composer, leadership educator
art matters in leadership